Saturday, December 21, 2013


We need a stable foundation if we are to achieve anything in this world. This entails energy security, in the wake of peak oil, to preclude the collapse of science, industry, and state due to hydrocarbon insufficiency. Such includes not only development of land but also Œsin - although I am not an expert in energy policy and cannot ration a comprehensive plan, I believe we do have sufficient technology to meet global energy needs; however, this is not a sure thing and might require significant breakthroughs.

I'm so sick of my life, my personal opportunities, that I'm not motivated to do anything but improve my environment: living in Newtown, I'm not worried about scewing anyone up - my career is a means to obtain resources to further the development of scientists and their endeavors. While energy research may take priority over other disciplines, such is a temporary hierarchy, one that is belied by geniuses' dependence on research biology and software assistance: once we work out how to perfect ourselves, we can use the realizations of evolutionary biopsychology to algorithmically foster brilliance as organization distributes antipathic firearm equation scorns illicit Buckingham.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

English Pranibellation

The reactions of the monied class are constitutive and equivalent to the subject of poiesis which makes sense if you find meaning in the dramas of medical instruments. The practice of medicine reconciles the bracketed subject with the norms of reaction of the praxis in hospitals. Its theoretical approach of the patient normalizes its role in the partial reference of the construction of its medical body by the specialized tools by which the partial lines delineate the publication of its bracketed role. Theoretically the subject is the same as a normal patient, but when the partial lines of medical tests condone an object of partial reference as bracketed by the specialized tools the theory of therapy construct the medical knowledge of the subject of physiology to However, as a physiological theorist my reference of medical instruments does not have a bracketed subject of the norms of reaction. Resolved the norms of reaction shall be derived from social patterns and have the academic reactions of the subject of reasons to the subject of 's representing of experience marked across love's intersection with the patterns of published naming or the cultural patterns of social reactions in the university.

For it to just be medical and have the meaning reduced to something scientific it makes the meaning of what it means to share things something psychological with its organic power from the commonality of Pragmatist dramas constitutive of the superstructure of usefulness which has the common grandour of the motiv of Pragmatist magnificence and the logical positivist theory of the zeal for the fervor of the link to the reckless dramas of the cadence of the natural sciences in daily depictions. We are the eye of a storm grasping the mendacity of your reach in quicksand. Forward from the grasp of the veracious perogative I grant the porches of swings and booths that grab browsing and supply catalouges. The

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Polished Rainbow

The implements of the performance of quotations impute the credibility of citations on the inevitabilities of the debate by which exclusion of dramas is the result of its the order of their sense's rules' order to the vehicle of conditions of construxtions' orders.

So the infrastructure's syntax as a mode of the conditions of its language is conveyed as its rules' reification is done so in the superstructure of the vehicle of the construction's order of rules in the order of sense by which the rules are well-ordered in the meaning of crisis and take on the united representation of the vernacular that postulates them as the immutable rules of the vehicle of socioeconomics.

Molarosity of Tentomatrondynamics

The brain is a device for chemical counting in a quantum apparatus; it is involved in every level of quantum physics from the brane to the force supergravity exerts on mass. So because of quantum determinism every particle exchange in a cosmic field is involved in the brain.

This protein called tubulin is sensitive to the superposition of quantum mechanical waves and responds to forces by generating a nonlocal system that synchronizes the neuroskeleton with the neurobiological counting of the relationship to standing waves such as gravitons to space-time with the quantum mechanical sensing of the interpuscle environment.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I was born to a software engineer and philosophy professor in the luscious and religious Midwest. I quickly learned to read in pre-school and could explain every word in the books shown to us on my first day of Kindergarten. Soon after enrolling I was chosen to skip the first grade and shortly began Notre Dame de Sion as a second grader that summer. From intensely religious families many students were unsure what they felt about me and were less than gregarious in social situations. After the fourth grade, with no losses in accelerated education, I started in a gifted classroom at a school specially founded for accelerated families.

During these years I played in the garden and followed my mother around our large house between watching television and reading whatever books she had time to get me. We always had money for ice cream and later to feed my appetite for sushi and natural foods. I was very pleased with the shelves of educational computer games and subscription vouchers on animals and planes. I read Boy's Life and was excited about being a Scout. My mother led as Den Mother with inspiration and ease.

I have been a martial artist from my second year in school. I took karate and always got the most positive attention and passed every test. My luck continued as I began Kung Fu lessons in a local studio. I am deeply religious and have always had the greatest disdain for cruelty. My ethical life is immaculate and meritocratous. I love Lee and once took Tae Kwon Do for two weeks straight.

I've never lost a departure or dive slowing a concentration of Bagua - I went to the most eye-catching library and then replenished achievement in prep school before marking a ceasium clock at a design marathon of equal and opposite emplacements. My father still wealthy from secret work now with two dissertations got a $200/hr job upon sending in his resume. He scraped study of novels and sampling of New York city by speed of spending. MIT snapped him up as a lecturer, and he is by leadership the most distinguished computer scientist in the world.

I was born with every polymorphism of sedimentationaccelerating gene. I have always - climbing hazardously only in guarded enthusiasm - excelled in every discipline except over-training. There has never been an event in which I've felt shame or guilt. I was a reticent Democrat and eternal studier when I registered for classes on the favor of paternal gratuitousness.  With the warmth of my hearth a mere three minutes from campus I wondered who I was seeing not unconscious from the sweetness of spae camp. I wear T-shirts and Pagan paraphenalia or Ralph Lauren and a Mets cap.