Saturday, May 11, 2013

I was born to a software engineer and philosophy professor in the luscious and religious Midwest. I quickly learned to read in pre-school and could explain every word in the books shown to us on my first day of Kindergarten. Soon after enrolling I was chosen to skip the first grade and shortly began Notre Dame de Sion as a second grader that summer. From intensely religious families many students were unsure what they felt about me and were less than gregarious in social situations. After the fourth grade, with no losses in accelerated education, I started in a gifted classroom at a school specially founded for accelerated families.

During these years I played in the garden and followed my mother around our large house between watching television and reading whatever books she had time to get me. We always had money for ice cream and later to feed my appetite for sushi and natural foods. I was very pleased with the shelves of educational computer games and subscription vouchers on animals and planes. I read Boy's Life and was excited about being a Scout. My mother led as Den Mother with inspiration and ease.

I have been a martial artist from my second year in school. I took karate and always got the most positive attention and passed every test. My luck continued as I began Kung Fu lessons in a local studio. I am deeply religious and have always had the greatest disdain for cruelty. My ethical life is immaculate and meritocratous. I love Lee and once took Tae Kwon Do for two weeks straight.

I've never lost a departure or dive slowing a concentration of Bagua - I went to the most eye-catching library and then replenished achievement in prep school before marking a ceasium clock at a design marathon of equal and opposite emplacements. My father still wealthy from secret work now with two dissertations got a $200/hr job upon sending in his resume. He scraped study of novels and sampling of New York city by speed of spending. MIT snapped him up as a lecturer, and he is by leadership the most distinguished computer scientist in the world.

I was born with every polymorphism of sedimentationaccelerating gene. I have always - climbing hazardously only in guarded enthusiasm - excelled in every discipline except over-training. There has never been an event in which I've felt shame or guilt. I was a reticent Democrat and eternal studier when I registered for classes on the favor of paternal gratuitousness.  With the warmth of my hearth a mere three minutes from campus I wondered who I was seeing not unconscious from the sweetness of spae camp. I wear T-shirts and Pagan paraphenalia or Ralph Lauren and a Mets cap.

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